From anime series "Dorohedoro" comes a new 1/12 buddy set of Kaiman (action figure) with Nikaido (non-movable scale figure)!
Kaiman is fully articulated and features multiple accessories so you can recreate various scenes!
Nikado is in the clothes which she wears when sneaking into the Magic User World. You can also display her with mask on by using the interchangeable part.
1/12 Scale
Kaiman (action figure): ~180mm
Nikaido (non-movable): ~140mm
Kaiman: Gas mask, Open-mouth head, Fist (LR), Open hands (LR), Knife-holding hands (LR), Knife x2
Nikaido: Mask
Item Code: 46386
© 2020 Q-HAYASHIDA.© Shogakukan/© Dorohedoro Project
Updated Release Date: 2022-11
Release Date: 2022-03
Pre-Order Deadline: 2021-08-20
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