From the popular anime series with a second season underway, 'Senki Zesshou Symphogear' comes a Nendoroid of Chris Yukine, the owner of Ichaival, the Second Relic Symphogear. She comes with three expressions including a smiling expression, shouting expression and swansong expression.
She also comes with a huge number of powerful weapons including the 'BILLION MAIDEN' Gatling Cannon, the 'MEGA DETH PARTY' miniature missile launcher, the 'MEGA DEATH QUARTET' large missile launcher and even the laser cannons seen during her swansong!
She also comes with a huge number of powerful weapons including the 'BILLION MAIDEN' Gatling Cannon, the 'MEGA DETH PARTY' miniature missile launcher, the 'MEGA DEATH QUARTET' large missile launcher and even the laser cannons seen during her swansong!
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