From the popular doujin game series created by Team Shanghai Alice, the "Touhou Project", comes this 1/8th scale figure of Gensoukyou's oldest youkai, as well as one of the most powerful - Yukari Yakumo.
The figure was originally a garage kit created for event sales by YOSHI, which was based on an illustration by the group "QR flapper". She is posed sitting on a rip in space, with a gaze that seems to judge anyone who dares to look at her. Ran Yakumo is also in production, and Chen has already been announced - so be sure to display them altogether once they have all been released!
The figure was originally a garage kit created for event sales by YOSHI, which was based on an illustration by the group "QR flapper". She is posed sitting on a rip in space, with a gaze that seems to judge anyone who dares to look at her. Ran Yakumo is also in production, and Chen has already been announced - so be sure to display them altogether once they have all been released!
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