From "Hayate the Combat Butler", the comedy series filled with love and war, comes a Nendoroid of the main character Hayate Ayasaki, dressed up as a girl in his "Hermione Ayasaki" form!
He comes with three expressions from his standard expression, to a crying expression, and of course the most important embarrassed face. To complete his girly wardrobe, he also comes with a bunny-ear Alice band and of course his magical rod! But for those of you who really want him in his standard butler form, an extra body featuring his butler clothes is also included.
You can choose to enjoy either Hayate or Hermione, giving you the ability to create a huge number of situations and have some real fun!
He comes with three expressions from his standard expression, to a crying expression, and of course the most important embarrassed face. To complete his girly wardrobe, he also comes with a bunny-ear Alice band and of course his magical rod! But for those of you who really want him in his standard butler form, an extra body featuring his butler clothes is also included.
You can choose to enjoy either Hayate or Hermione, giving you the ability to create a huge number of situations and have some real fun!
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