From the anime series 'Senki Zesshou Symphogear G' comes a alternate color version of the 'Bunny Girl Chris' figure based on the illustration by the character designer and animation director of the series, Satoru Fujimoto!
The bunny outfit has changed into a black and red color scheme, similar to the colors seen on her Armed Gear! This version has also been closely supervised by Satoru Fujimoto, and while the charming sculptwork by Abira remains unchanged, the alternate colors give off a rather different atmosphere to this Chris-chan! Look forward to her!
The bunny outfit has changed into a black and red color scheme, similar to the colors seen on her Armed Gear! This version has also been closely supervised by Satoru Fujimoto, and while the charming sculptwork by Abira remains unchanged, the alternate colors give off a rather different atmosphere to this Chris-chan! Look forward to her!
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