From the anime series 'World Conquest Zvezda Plot' comes a 1/7th scale figure of the secret society Zvezda's raiding captain, Plamya-sama! The figure is based on the key visual illustration by Kouhaku Kuroboshi, and features her sticking her tongue out in a rather seductive pose.
The texture of her rubber suit as well as the curves of her body that can be made out through the suit are all very carefully detailed. Her helmet and Japanese sword are also intricately sculpted adding even more charm to the figure. An alternate 'Itsuka' head part with the helmet and masked removed is also included for a slightly different appearance.
*In Japan, "Plamya-sama" will be sold ONLY through GSC online.
*For oversea sales, "Plamya-sama" will be sold through both official distributo
The texture of her rubber suit as well as the curves of her body that can be made out through the suit are all very carefully detailed. Her helmet and Japanese sword are also intricately sculpted adding even more charm to the figure. An alternate 'Itsuka' head part with the helmet and masked removed is also included for a slightly different appearance.
*In Japan, "Plamya-sama" will be sold ONLY through GSC online.
*For oversea sales, "Plamya-sama" will be sold through both official distributo
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