From the popular anime, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, comes a Nendoroid of the friendly Madoka Kaname, along with a Nendoroid sized version of Kyuubei, the mystical little creature that turned the girls into magical girls.
She comes with an extra expression based on the face she drew for herself in her school notes, as well as an upset face, her bow and arrow, and another version of Kyuubei that can hang off her arm, allowing you to recreate the famous pose from one of the key visuals from the show!
She comes with an extra expression based on the face she drew for herself in her school notes, as well as an upset face, her bow and arrow, and another version of Kyuubei that can hang off her arm, allowing you to recreate the famous pose from one of the key visuals from the show!
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