From the anime series 'The Asterisk War' comes a figure of Kirin Toudou, also known as 'Lightning Blade Speed'! The 1/8th scale figure shows Kirin drawing her sword 'Senbagiri' as if just about to dash into battle!
Her long hairstyle with both sides tied up has been sculpted with a feeling of movement, which together with the twisted pose of the body and overall detail give the figure a dynamic appearance that looks ready to jump to life! The base of the figure features the Seidoukan Academy emblem to bring out the atmosphere of the series.
Kirin has a rather serious look on her face and her body has been faithfully sculpted from her ample bosom to the thighs you can see peeking through her mini-skirt! Be sure to add her to your collection and pet her the head just like in the series!
Her long hairstyle with both sides tied up has been sculpted with a feeling of movement, which together with the twisted pose of the body and overall detail give the figure a dynamic appearance that looks ready to jump to life! The base of the figure features the Seidoukan Academy emblem to bring out the atmosphere of the series.
Kirin has a rather serious look on her face and her body has been faithfully sculpted from her ample bosom to the thighs you can see peeking through her mini-skirt! Be sure to add her to your collection and pet her the head just like in the series!
Painted ABS&PVC 1/8th scale figure with stand included. Approximately 180mm in height.
Item Code : AE98004
The Asterisk War
© 2015 三屋咲ゆう・株式会社KADOKAWA/アスタリスク製作委員会
© 2015 三屋咲ゆう・株式会社KADOKAWA/アスタリスク製作委員会
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